 * Bootstrap v3.1.0 (http://getbootstrap.com)
 * Copyright 2011-2014 Twitter, Inc.
 * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)

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 * BxSlider v4.1.2 - Fully loaded, responsive content slider
 * http://bxslider.com
 * Written by: Steven Wanderski, 2014
 * http://stevenwanderski.com
 * (while drinking Belgian ales and listening to jazz)
 * CEO and founder of bxCreative, LTD
 * http://bxcreative.com


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.sbOptions li {
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.sbOptions li:first-child a {
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.sbOptions a {
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.sbOptions a:focus,
.sbOptions a.sbFocus {
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.sbOptions li.last a {
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/* *** MAINMENU *** */

#MainMenu {
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#MainMenu .MainMenu1 {
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.user-box {
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.user-box a {
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#btn-search {
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#btn-fb {
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#btn-linkedin {
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#btn-twitter {
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#btn-rss {
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.search-box {
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.user-box a:hover {
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.MainMenu1 > li > a:hover, .MainMenu1 > li:hover > a {
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#Departments {
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#Departments h2 {
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#Departments .column-box {
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#Departments .column-box .column {
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#Departments .column-box a {
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    display: block;

#Departments .column-box a {
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#Departments .column-box a:hover, #Departments .column-box .current,

.departments-content .column-box a:hover, .departments-content .column-box .current

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#BottomBox .departments-content .content-1, #BottomBox-Rwd .departments-content .content-1 {
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.content-1 {
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.departments-content .content-1 {
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#Map02 {
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#Map02 img {
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#Data01 div, #Data02 div {
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.content-box-1 p {
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/* *** BANNER *** */

#Banner {
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#Banner li {
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#Banner .bx-caption {
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#Banner .bx-controls {
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#Banner .bx-pager {
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#Banner .bx-pager .bx-pager-item {
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#Banner .bx-pager .bx-pager-item a {
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#Banner .bx-pager .bx-pager-item .active {
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#Banner .bx-next {
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#Banner .next-box {
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#Banner .bx-prev {
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#Banner .bx-next {
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#Banner .bx-prev:hover, #Banner .bx-next:hover {
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/* *** BUTTONS BOX *** */

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#ButtonsBox.buttons-content .box-2 .text {
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#ButtonsBox.buttons-content .btn-1 {
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.box-1 {
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#btn-contrast {
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#btn-contrast:hover {
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.contrast-version #btn-contrast {
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.fonts-box .l1, .fonts-box .l2 {
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.fonts-box .l1 {
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.fonts-box .l1:hover {
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.fonts-box .l2:hover {
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.fonts-box .l2 {
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.contrast-version .l1 {
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.contrast-version .l2 {
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/* *** MENU BOTTOM *** */

#MenuBottom {
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#MenuBottom a {
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#MenuBottom a:hover, #MenuBottom nav a:hover {
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#MenuBottom nav ul li {
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.social-media a {
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.social-media img:hover {
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/* *** FOOTER *** */

footer {
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.copyright {
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.created {
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footer .wrapper {
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.information-box .banner img {height: auto !important;}

/* *** COOKIES *** */

#Cookies {
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#Cookies .description {
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#Cookies .buttons {
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.btn-2 {
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.btn-2:hover {
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/* *** BOTTOM BOX *** */

#BottomBox, #BottomBox-Rwd {
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#Menu-1, #Menu-2 {
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#Menu-1 a, #Menu-2 .menu-2-a {
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.bottom-content {
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#Menu-1 .current, #Menu-1 .menu-2-a:hover, #Menu-2 .current, #Menu-2 a:hover {
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#Menu-1 .current, #Menu-2 .current {
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#Menu-1 > .wrapper > a:first-child, #Menu-2 > .wrapper > a:first-child {
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.bottom-submenu {
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.content-box {
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a:focus, a:hover {
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/* *** HOME *** */

#MainContent {
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.home .column {
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.title-box-1 {
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.news-list h2 {
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.news-list h2 a {
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.news-list .description {
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.news-list figure {
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.information-box .column-last a:hover {
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.information-box img {
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.information-box .column-last {
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.information-box .column-last a {
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#MapContent01  {
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.place {
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    font-size: 16px;
    height: 100px;

.place strong {
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.place-1 {
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#map_container img {
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#map_container {
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#Map01 {
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    height: 375px;

.zdjecia {
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.gallery-list {
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#formNavigation {
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#formOznaczenia .e {
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.formFieldRow textarea {
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.navigation_button {
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.step h3 {padding-bottom: 10px;}

.formFieldRow {
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.formFieldRow label {
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.step {
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.formFieldRow input {
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.gallery-list li a {
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.img-map-1 {
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.show-1 {
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.title-box a {
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.title-box-2 {
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.title-box-2 h2 {
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#sitemap ul {
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#showAuctionContainer {
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#sitemap ul a {color: #787878;}

#sitemap ul a:hover {color: #f58220;}

.home-wrapper {
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.carousel-1 .image span {
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img {
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.carousel-1 .bx-controls {
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.carousel-1 .bx-pager {
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#Banner .bx-prev:hover, #Banner .bx-next:hover {
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a, a:focus, a:hover {
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.MainMenu1 img {
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.menu-2 .submenu-1 > a {
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/* *** MENU RESPONSIVE *** */

#MenuResponsive {
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#MenuResponsive .MainMenu .submenu-rwd a {
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#MenuResponsive .MainMenu .submenu-rwd {
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#MenuResponsive .MainMenu .submenu-rwd li:first-child a  {
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/* *** NEWS DETAILS *** */

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/* *** MANAGEMENT *** */

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/* *** CONTACT *** */

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/* *** NEWS LIST *** */

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/* *** ORDER *** */

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/* *** AREAS *** */

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/* *** ORDER TABLE *** */

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/* *** MAP *** */

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/* *** TV *** */

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/* *** CONTACT 1 *** */

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/* *** *** */

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/* Mapa Stanu Budowy Dr�g - Dopasowanie do rozdzielczo�ci / skalowanie  */
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/* *** KONTRAST *** */

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/* *** WERSJA ZALOBNA *** */

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/* Formularz GUS */

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/* Kontrast FIX */

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